Tutorial: How to Bypass (Skip) Adf.ly Links & ShortUrls of Adfoc.us, linkbucks, goo.gl, bc.vc? | Best Leeching Sites

September 16, 2014

Tutorial: How to Bypass (Skip) Adf.ly Links & ShortUrls of Adfoc.us, linkbucks, goo.gl, bc.vc?

bypass shorturls online

How to Bypass (Skip) Adf.ly Links & ShortUrls of Adfoc.us, linkbucks, goo.gl, bc.vc:

Adf.ly, Adfoc.us, Linkbucks and others popular URL shortening services shrink links to show interstitial ads which in turn earn some money for publishers. But  sometime these are annoying for users because he/she has to wait some time to skip ad and visit to target page.

Moreover, Adf.ly is blocked in some countries due to which user can't get to target page.

You might be interested in Unblocking blocked websites, for this read this Tutorial: Unblock blocked websites Tricks.

Here are solutions to bypass links of Adf.ly, Adfoc.us, Linkbucks, etc. :
You must read this before proceeding further: This tutorial is written keeping in mind that you desperately need to decrypt or skip ShortUrls such as in case of blocked Adf.ly in some countries.

Otherwise, you are advised to wait and watch interstitial ad and the visit to target url by clicking “Skip ad” button.

The reason behind this is that most of the URL shorteners asks user to wait for 5 seconds only and the time taken to copy short url and opening third party bypassers and then for decryption of short url is also about 4-5 seconds and even more. Moreover, these third party websites also earn money with banner ads.

It is your choice that who should earn some money with shorturls - the publisher who provide you something useful in return or the third party websites. Choice is yours. Thanks for reading this.

Trick to bypass ShortUrls of Adf.ly, adfoc.us, linkbucks, goo.gl, etc. online:

The best way to bypass ShortUrls and reveal target page is the Online interstitial ad skippers. These ad skippers skip the ad without user intervention online. You just need to enter desired shorturl. The decrypted target URLs is revealed within seconds. Here are two such ad skipper:

1. BypassShortUrl.com:

This is one of my favorite online adf.ly link bypasser. It works like a charm! Except adf.ly, it also supports adfoc.us link, linkbucks.com and goo.gl. Just put adfly link in the link box and click “Expand” button. Within 1 second, the hidden link gets revealed.

Visit: BypassShortUrl.

2. DeAd:

This is also a good link bypasser. Except adf.ly this also supports de-ading of following link shorteners:
  • adf.ly, linkbucks.com, tubeviral.com, tinylinks.co, adfoc.us, q.gs, 9.bb, u.bb, j.js,bc.vc,ref.so allanalpass.com, amy.gs, any.gs, baberepublic.com, deb.gs, drstickyfingers.com, dyo.gs, fapoff.com, filesonthe.net, galleries.bz, hornywood.tv, linkbabes.com, linkbucks.com, linkgalleries.net, linkseer.net, miniurls.co, picbucks.com, picturesetc.net, placepictures.com, poontown.net, qqc.co, qvvo.com, realfiles.net, rqq.co, seriousdeals.net, seriousfiles.com, seriousurls.com, sexpalace.gs, seriousfiles.com, theseblogs.com, thesefiles.com, theseforums.com, thosegalleries.com, tinybucks.net, tinylinks.co, tnabucks.com, tubeviral.com, uberpicz.com, ubervidz.com, ubucks.net, ugalleries.net, ultrafiles.net, urlbeat.net, urlpulse.net, whackyvidz.com, youfap.me, yyv.co, zxxo.net, zff.co, freean.us, cash4files.com, shorte.st, megaline.co, goneviral.com.
Visit: DeAd.

This also has an Free Android app which supports following link shorteners:
  • adf.ly, linkbucks.com, tubeviral.com, tinylinks.co, adfoc.us, q.gs, 9.bb, u.bb, j.js,bc.vc,ref.so
You can download it with following link:

There are also some user scripts such as “AdsFight!” but these are not working now.

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